Saturday, July 14, 2012

Punjab & Sind Bank Clerk Recruitment Interview Calls of 800 Post

To fill 800 clerk post, Punjab & Sind bank had  invited online applications from IBPS common exam qualified scorecard holders in the month of April 2012. 
Interview Marks consist for those who qualified for its interview will conducted for a total of 100 marks & its necessary for registrants to secure atleast  40% (35% for SC/ST/OBC)  
Since applicants were required to posses proficiency in local language.
PSB Single Window Operators-"A" in Clerical cadre Recruitment Project 2012-13
All cut off looks high as per the expectations so there may be worry in mind of low score holder but may the dice turn as in IBPS PO the repeatation happened no one can guess what can happen so keep hopes, check the below links for all those who qualified and not qualified
as cut off is better way to analyse for further vacancies Minimum cut-off for different categories of candidates (State-wise) download the file.
Those who qualified can Download Interview letter
Important documents which need to produce at time of interviewDown load list of documents to be brought at the time of interview

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